Retreat and Strategic Planning
The College had the Retreat on 8th January 2023 at Sheraton Hotel to discuss the following areas that concern fellows and members the most.
- Enhance HKCA international connections, reputation and recognition
- Ensuring standards of professional examination
- Improving fellows & members welfare
- Enhancing professional development opportunities
- Future direction in anaesthesia fellowship training programme
- Manpower
- Advocacy in anaesthesiology
The College is deeply grateful to those who participated in the Retreat for sharing insightful and constructive views. The Council had thorough discussion about the way forward for the College. It will involve considerable input from councillors, members of various Boards and stakeholders. Further updates will be announced via TUOHY.
Young Fellows Committee Update
HKCA Young Fellows Committee (YFC) has launched a Facebook page for us to connect, share and keep ourselves updated about the latest college activities. Not long ago a webinar was organised to reconnect with young fellows who have moved overseas. Over 60 fellows and members engaged in this conversation about life, changes, and work. In the coming months, we will be shifting our focus back to Hong Kong. A networking event with sharing of careers development advice, and a unique volunteer experience is coming down the pipeline. YFC sincerely invite all fellows and members to like and bookmark our page to stay tuned to the coming activities!
Facebook link:
ANZCA Educator Program
To align with HKCA competency-based curriculum and foster a culture of WBA in clinical teaching, the Board of Education is inviting nominations to join the ANZCA Educator Program (AEP). The AEP is a comprehensive module-based educator program targeting anaesthetists with the passion in WBA and medical education. For this year, ANZCA will organise two online AEPs, and 3 places each has been set aside exclusively for HKCA fellows and sponsored by the HKCA Education Fund. The dates of the Zoom AEP are as follows:
- 9th -10th August 2023 (Wednesday & Thursday) – 3 places
- 1st -2nd November 2023 (Wednesday & Thursday) – 3 places
Successful applicants have to fulfill the following undertakings after attending the online AEP:
- Complete 10 WBAs for trainees within 12 months upon completion of AEP, and
- Participate in 2 WBA workshops as instructors
Interested fellows and PFY trainees, please send your name, email address and the preferred dates to the Board of Education ( on or before 18th March 2023.
Welfare Workgroup
The welfare workgroup will soon be embarking on our positive psychology study to explore the effects of such interventions amongst fellows and members of our college — stay tuned for recruitment!
At the same time, we are collating stories and sharing from fellow and members who have experienced challenges in both professional and personal aspects, and if you are interested or willing to do so — please email and the Welfare Workgroup will contact you. The aim is to use these personal real-life stories to highlight positive psychology principles and of course, the sharing can be anonymous if you choose to do so.
CME Calendar
Since 2021, CME activities could be found in the CME calendar on College’s website under the subsection of CME and CPD Programme. The calendar is constantly updated according to the applications for CME points submitted.
Annual Scientific Meeting 2023
After the challenging times of the past three years, together with Hong Kong, the Organising Committee of ASM 2023 is going to turn over “A New Leaf”, and shall bring us a face-to-face meeting. The ASM 2023 will be held on 18th – 19th November 2023 at the Convention and Exhibition Centre. It is time to connect with overseas speakers, old friends and colleagues face-to-face again. Stay tuned!
Revision Tutorial Courses 2023
As most of the COVID related measures have been relaxed, activities will be conducted in face-to-face format again including Revision Tutorial Courses. Professor Peter Kam has confirmed his trip to Hong Kong to deliver the courses in person and the following are the tentative schedule of the courses. Further details will be announced in due course.
- Revision Tutorial Course in Basic Sciences in Anaesthesiology: 6th – 10th, 13th – 17th November 2023 (whole day)
- Revision Tutorial Course in Clinical Anaesthesiology: 20-24 November 2023 (whole day), and 25 November 2023 (am only)
ANZCA Final MCQ – Revised Implementation Schedule (2024 2nd sitting)
The implementation of ANZCA MCQ Paper in Final Fellowship Examination is tentatively deferred to 2024 second sitting due to some logistics issues. We do not take the postponement of implementation lightly and therefore have deliberated thoroughly in the Board of Examinations and Council before taking this decision.
Actions to ensure the MCQ examination readiness:
- ANZCA is going to develop a portal with training resources for Hong Kong trainees, which would be helpful for trainees’ preparation towards their MCQ examination. However, the portal will not be ready until early 2024 according to ANZCA’s timeline. We hope that all trainees who are going to sit for Final MCQ could access the portal in order to ensure fairness.
- Board of Education will organise preparatory course to our trainees by using the resources shared by ANZCA. Further details will be announced in due course.
- To ensure the online MCQ will be run smoothly across Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong, ANZCA will have a few trial runs in the first quarter of 2023 to test their online examination platform and to let trainees to familiarise the online exam platform. HKCA trainees, who are intended to sit for the 2024 2nd sitting final exam, would be invited to join the trial runs. The online MCQ will be run in a designated computer centre and further details will be announced in due course.
Should you have any questions, please let us know by sending an email to
HKAM Tripartite Education Conference
The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM) co-organised a Tripartite Medical Education Conference with the Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong on 14th – 15th January 2023. Dr Hing-yu So, the President of HKCA and also the Educationist of the HKAM, delivered a talk of ‘Postgraduate Medical Education: See One, Do One, Teach One….What Else?” at the Halnan Lecture.
The theme of the conference was promoting exchange, coordination and planning of education and training of tomorrow’s doctors along the continuum of their professional journey from being a medical student to a specialist. As one of the specialty Colleges, Dr Albert Chan, the Chair of Board of Education, was one of the Organising Committee members.
Invitation to Private Practice Anaesthesiologists for Joining Locum in HA
To strengthen the manpower support for providing clinical anaesthetic service at different hospitals under Hospital Authority (HA), HA would like to invite private practice anaesthesiologists to join HA as Locum Doctors, providing part-time service with flexible duty arrangement. For details, please refer to the following simple enrollment flow.
Simple Enrollment Flow:
Step 1 – Indicate your interest by contacting HA Locum Hotline via WhatsApp 9788 8960 or scanning the QR Code below.
Step 2 – Locum Office of HA will contact you shortly for appointment and duty arrangement.
CAI Annual Congress 18-19 May 2023, Dublin
College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland is going to organise their Annual Congress of Anaesthesiology on 18th – 19th May 2023 in Dublin. Please check out the congress’s website for details.