
Click here for PDF version of following contents.

Mandatory Courses *

  1. Basic Assessment & Support in Intensive Care (BASIC) course
  2. Exposure to Anaesthesia Safety and Emergency (EASE) course
  3. Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) course or equivalent**
  4. Trauma course (any one of below or equivalent**):
    • Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) course
    • International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) course
    • Advanced Surgical Trauma (ASTC) course
  5. Advanced Airway course (any one of below or equivalent**):
    • Advanced Difficult Airway Management Workshop for Doctors (ADAM-D) by HKCA
    • Airway Management Beyond Basic Course by CUHK
  6. Echocardiography course (any one of below or equivalent**):
    • Echo Hong Kong Hands-on Workshop by Ruttonjee and TSK Hospitals
    • Echocardiography Workshop by HKCA
    • Rapid Assessment by Cardiac Echo (RACE) course by HKCEM
    • Intermediate Echocardiography Course (IEC) by HKCEM
    • WINFOCUS’s Critical Care Echocardiography Course by HKCEM
    • Beyond Basic – Transthoracic Echo course by CUHK

*Mandatory courses are chosen based on suitability, affordability, accessibility, sustainability and must be of acceptable standard. Topics covered by these courses will not be covered again in topic tutorials.

** If a trainee has attended a course deemed to be equivalent to one of the above courses can apply to have it assessed and approved by the Board of Intensive Care Medicine.

Recommended Courses

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Infectious Diseases (PDipID) and Infectious Diseases Courses
  • Basic Clinical Toxicology Course by HKEM
  • Critical Care Nephrology Course by PYNEH ICU
  • Advanced Simulation Training in Mechanical Ventilation (ASTIM) course by HKJC ILCM
  • Beyond BASIC Mechanical Ventilator Course by CUHK
  • Intensive Care Nephrology Beyond BASIC course by CUHK
  • HAHO ECMO Simulation Course
  • APELSO Adult ECMO Training Course
  • Support & Management of Brain Dead Patient and Donor Awareness Course

Mandatory Topic Tutorials (via eLearning platform)

General ICU
  1. Severity of illness and outcome scoring systems in ICU
  2. Statistics
  3. Basic ethical principles in critical care
  4. Transport of the critically ill patients
  5. Principles of fluid/blood product therapy
  6. Critical care nutrition
  7. Acid-base and electrolyte disturbances
  1. Shock and hemodynamic monitoring
  2. Cardiogenic shock and acute decompensated heart failure
  3. Extracorporeal life support for cardiopulmonary failure
  4. Intensive care after cardiac surgery
  5. Post cardiac arrest management and prognostication
  6. Acute coronary syndromes
  1. Principles of non-invasive and invasive mechanical ventilation
  2. Management of ARDS
  3. Asthma/COAD and difficult ventilation
  4. Management of pulmonary complications: massive haemoptysis, pneumothorax, pleural effusion
  5. Venous thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism and other embolic syndromes
GI and hepatobiliary
  1. Acute liver failure and acute on chronic liver failure
  2. Abdominal surgical catastrophes and abdominal compartment syndrome
  1. Acute kidney injury
  2. Renal replacement therapy in ICU
  1. Status epilepticus
  2. Acute ischaemic stroke and neuromuscular disorders
  3. Sedation and pain management in ICU
  4. Management of neurosurgical cases
  5. Brain death and management of organ donor

28. Infection control and principles of use of antimicrobials
29. Sepsis management
30. Community acquired pneumonia
31. Nosocomial infections in ICU
Sepsis in immunocompromised patients


33, Management of acute poisoning
34. Endocrine and metabolic emergencies
35. Haematological issues in ICU
36. Obstetrics emergencies
37. Critically ill child
38. Ultrasound in ICU

Exam Preparation Tutorials
  1. Communications
  2. ECG/Data interpretation/Radiology
  3. Viva
  4. Hot cases (quarterly)

Minimum requirement for HKCA (IC) trainees before exit assessment

1.      Attend all 6 mandatory courses

2.      Topic tutorials

·           eLearning tutorials would be accessible to all trainees but attendance would only count during higher training.

·           For trainees progressing to higher training after 1/7/2024, attendance to all 38 topic tutorials (either via zoom or eLearning) is required.

·           For trainees progressing to higher training before 1/7/2024, at least 36 out of 38 topic tutorials (either via zoom or eLearning) is required.



Endorsed by BOICM in April 2017
Revised and endorsed by BOICM in August 2017
Revised and endorsed by BOICM in January 2022
Revised and endorsed by BOICM in August 2023
Revised and endorsed by BOICM in January 2025

E-Learning Platform for ICM/CCM Tutorials

Starting from October 2023, all ICM/CCM tutorials will be changed from zoom teaching to e-learning via the Learning Management System (LMS) platform, namely Canvas in The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM).

For each tutorial, there will be video(s), quiz, +/- files of teaching material.   The College will take record of attendance in the e-training portfolio (of Higher Trainees only) if the followings are completed :

1. View 100% of the video(s).
You will be directed to Edpuzzle for viewing the recorded video(s). Please be reminded to click “Submit” to “turn in” at the end of the video as a proof of 100% viewing.

2. Get at least 4 correct answers out of 5 MCQ quiz  
You will have unlimited attempts to take the Quiz.

Currently, the following tutorials are available in the LMS :
#01. Severity of illness and outcome scoring systems in ICU  (by Dr Gordon Choi)
#02. Statistics  (by Dr OF Wong)
#03. Basic ethical principles in critical care (by Prof Gavin Joynt)
#04.  Transport of the critically ill patients (by Dr HY So)
#06. Critical Care Nutrition (by Dr KM Kwok)
#07. Acid-base and Electrolyte Disturbances (by Dr David Ng)
#08. Shock and Hemodynamic Monitoring (by Dr Esther Cham)
#09. Cardiogenic shock and acute decompensated heart failure (by Dr Simon Sin)
#10. Extracorporeal life support for cardiopulmonary failure (by Dr George Ng)
#11 Intensive Care after Cardiac Surgery (by Dr Philip Lam)
Post cardiac arrest management and prognostication (by Dr TK Yim)
#13.  Acute Coronary Syndromes (by HH Tsang)
#14. Principles of non-invasive and invasive mechanical ventilation (by Dr Grace Lam)
#15. Management of ARDS (by Dr Dominic So)
#16. Asthma COAD and difficult ventilation (by Dr Benjamin Siu
#17. Management of pulmonary complications : massive haemoptysis, pneumothorax, pleural effusion  (by Dr Sunny Yip)
#18. Venous thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism and other embolic syndromes (by Dr KB Tang)
#19. Acute Liver Failure and Acute on Chronic Liver Failure (by Dr LS Lau)
#20. Abdominal surgical catastrophes and abdominal compartment syndrome (by Dr Tom Yip)
#21. Acute Kidney Injury (by Dr HP Shum)
#22. Renal Replacement Therapy in ICU (by Dr WW Yan)
#23. Status Epilepticus (by Dr Kenny Chan)
#24. Acute Ischaemic Stroke and Neuromuscular Disorders (by Dr Liong Ting)
#25. Sedation and Pain Management in ICU (by Dr Hewa Kandamby)
#26. Management of Neurosurgical Cases (by Dr Stanley Chan)
#27. Brain Death and management of organ donor (by Dr Natalie Leung)
#28. Infection control and principles of use of antimicrobials (by Dr Vincent Lau)
#29. Sepsis Management (by Dr Manimala Dharmangadan)
#30. Community Acquired Pneumonia (by Dr Anne Leung)
#31. Nosocomial Infections in ICU (by Dr Dominic So)
#32. Sepsis in immunocompromised patients (by Dr CM Chau)
#33. Management of Acute Poisoning (by Dr Ko Shing)
#34. Endocrine and Metabolic Emergencies (by Dr Ingrid Mak)
#35. Haematological Issues in ICU (by Dr Bobby King)
#36. Obstetrics Emergencies  (by Dr Helen Wu)
#37. Critically Ill Child  (by Dr Albert Ku)
#38. Ultrasound in ICU (by Dr Gladys Kwan)


Zoom Tutorials

This calendar of ICM Tutorial is regularly updated and is open to public. You could add this calendar to your Google calendar by subscribing to it.

Calendar ID: 

URL of the calendar:

ICM Tutorial Apps can be downloaded at :
Google Play (Android)
App Store (iPhone, iPad)