COLLEGE NEWSLETTER Message from the President Reports from Boards / Committees 12th Congregation College & Hospital News Notice of Meeting Message from the President This December has been a busy time for our College with tightly packed programmes like the Annual Scientific Meeting, Congregation and then the Advanced and Difficult Airway Management Workshops. While these exciting events gave us good reasons to relax and enjoy the year-end festivities for 1997, I must first express on behalf of College my sincere gratitude to Dr. Steven Wong and his Organising Committee for such a successful Annual Scientific Meeting in terms of participation, scientific content and financial arrangements. The organisation work for 1998 ASM has already started under the chairmanship of Dr. K.F. Ng and the Chairman for 1999 ASM will be appointed very soon. I must also congratulate Dr. M. Moles and Dr. K.M. Ho for putting together two very successful Airway Management Workshops one after the other in a very professional way. This is the third occasion of such workshops, and the first time whereby two workshops were held back to back. There are not too many institutions around the world that offer facilities of this kind and we are one of the few. Before we can sit back and relax for Christmas, there are two important issues to note. They relate to the rescindment of Academy Bylaw 16 that governs the admission of Academy Fellows. As you know, Bylaw 16 of the Academy will be rescinded and an amended Bylaw 2 will take effect on 1st October 1998. Since most Colleges have already established their own structured training programmes and examination systems, Academy has decided that all Fellows to be admitted to the Academy must have undergone some local element of training and assessment. A recognised overseas higher qualification plus six years of recognised training elsewhere is not sufficient. To that effect, Academy has required all Colleges to set up their Exit Examination or Assessment before the Bylaw 16 is repealed, and that every Fellow to be admitted to Academy has to go through the Exit Examination or Assessment of individual Colleges. Exit Assessment refers to the assessment that is performed after the completion of 6 years of training. After debating at several Council Meetings, Council has agreed on our format of Exit Assessment and this was subsequently approved by Academy. Essentially after 1st October 1998, all applicants for Fellowship of our College, save Honorary Fellowship, shall be required to undergo the Exit Assessment. The format of the Assessment is outlined elsewhere in this Newsletter and those who are not yet Fellows are strongly advised to read the document carefully. If you know of anyone practising anaesthesia in Hong Kong fulfilling all the criteria for admission to College Fellowship but has not done so, please advise him or her to do so before 1st October 1998. Otherwise, one will need an Exit Assessment before admission is possible. This is especially important for those who wants to be registered as a specialist with the Medical Council as the Hong Kong Medical Council will be inviting applications to register with the specialist register in the next few weeks. In the context of Exit Assessment, the College Administrative Instructions for Admission Ad Eundem has also been modified accordingly. A project requirement has also been added.What about those who are in possession of recognised overseas qualifications but cannot fulfill the other requirements for Fellowship admission on 1st October 1998, like the requirement to have 6 years of training. With the rescindment of Bylaw 16, private practice will no longer be counted on a 3 year practice to 1 year training basis. Practitioners in private practice possessing qualifications recognised by the Colleges will have difficulty meeting the 6 years of training requirement after that date. Academy has resolved that those College members who intend to become College and Academy Fellows but unable to do so before 1st October 1998 because of insufficient training duration must register their intention with the College before 1st October 1998. College will then discuss with the respective applicant how much training they are short and come up with a remedial training programme. This remedial programme has to be approved by the Academy. All of those undertaking the remedial programme have to undergo the Exit Assessment before College and Academy can admit them as Fellows. These are important issues. I can appreciate that there would be further questions and queries concerning Exit Assessment and registering with the College for remedial training. Please do not hesitate to contact me or Dr. P.T. Chui, Hon. Secretary or Dr. T.W. Lee, Chairman of Board of Education if you have further queries. I hope I have not disturbed your mood to enjoy Christmas and New Year. May I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and a prosperous 1998. Dr. CT Hung All Fellows of HKCA are reminded to send their completed CME records to Dr TW Lee c/- Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Tuen Mun Hospital. Pain Management Committee Education Committee Board of Accreditation ( Chairman - Dr. Clement Yuan)
Tuen Mun Hospital is requesting approval for increases in the number of training posts. The information is being looked at and results will be forthcoming. Kwong Wah Hospital has been reviewed on the 17th November,1997 for its anaesthesiology and intensive care training. Determination of approval will be forthcoming next newsletter. United Christian Hospital is requesting approval for increases in the number of training posts. The information is being looked at and results will be forthcoming. Duchess of Kent Childrens Hospital has been approved for one training post for a period of a minimum of six months up to a maximum period of 12 months, provided a rotational training programme exists with Queen Mary Hospital anaesthesiology division. It will be regarded as a Category C hospital specialising in surgery for children, & orthopaedics. The Ruttonjee/ Tang Shiu Kin/ Tung Wah Eastern Hospital Group is undergoing transformation and streamlining. Tang Shiu Kin will close its sessions from April 1998. Tung Wah Eastern will retain the ophthalology services, while its surgical services will be split, with much of the general surgery transferring to the new North District Hospital, while the remainder of its services will be absorbed by Ruttonjee, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern & Queen Mary Hospital. The anaesthetic establishment will be reduced from 1Consultant:3 SMO:5 MO to 1 Consultant: 2 SMO:4 MO & a reduction of its services by 16 sessions. The training programme will improve by the change with better supervision, and less number of anaesthetising locations. Its Tung Wah Hospital was inspected but approval as a training unit is withheld pending the improvement in the facilities in the operating theatre, and the purchase of journals & books 12th Congregation Honorary FellowProfessor Garry David Philips was awarded Honorary Fellow (Anaesthesiology) of the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists at the 12th Congregation for his contribution in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. Diploma in Pain Management
Collection of Certificates ASM97 and ASM98 The ASM in Anaesthesiology 1997 (6-7 December 1997, Hong Kong Hotel) was a success with
over 100 local and Mainland delegates attended the meeting. 3 overseas speakers gave
interesting and exciting presentations and they were Professor Garry David Philips, Dr
Peter Kam, and A/Professor Las Eriksson. Examination Successes Examination in Intensive Care 1998 Fellowship Examination Dates Intermediate Examinations (Fee: $7,000) July/August 98 Final Examinations in Anaesthesiology (Fee: $11,000) July/August 98
Final Examination in Intensive Care (Fee: $11,000)
New Appointments Chief of Service Consultant Senior Medical Officers
NEW MEMBERS AND FELLOWS Council approved admission of the following as Members of the College:
Council approved admission of the following as Fellows of the College: Council approved admission of the following as Fellow(IC) of the College:
Pain Management Special Interest Group A Pain Management Special Interest Group has been formed by a group of fellows with an interest in Pain Management. Three monthly meetings will be held and each hospital will take turn to prepare the presentation. Each meeting will consist of a short session of around 20 to 30 minutes and a longer session of 45 minutes to an hour. The short session will be for case presentation or journal club and the long session will be used to cover a topic of interest. These meeting will primarily aim at Fellows and Members who practice pain management but anyone interested are welcome to attend. CME points will be awarded according to existing guidelines. The first meeting will be held in late February, 1998. The host will be
Prince of Wales Hospital.
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