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College Newsletter
September 1997


Council Members
The President’s Message
Academy News
Reports from Boards / Committees
Board of Accreditation
Board of Censors
Education Committee
New Hospital Appointments
Examination Successes



Council Members

President:                  Dr CT Hung
1st Vice President:    Dr TW Lee
2nd Vice President:  Professor J Low
Hon Secretary:         Dr PT Chui
Hon Treasurer:         Dr A Cho
Assistant Secretary:  Dr A Kwan
Assistant Treasurer:  Dr T Buckley
Council Members:    Professor C Aun
                                Dr SL Tsui
                                Dr WS Chan
                                Dr KY Fung
                                Dr T Hui
                                Dr J Liu
                                Dr TY Chan
                                Dr Chandra Rodrigo

Board of Education - Chairman:            Dr TW Lee
Board of Accreditation - Chairman:      Dr C Yuan
Board of Examination - Chairman :       Professor C Aun
Board of Censor - Chairman:                Dr SL Tsui
Intensive Care Committee - Chairman: Dr T Buckley
Manpower Committee - Chairman:      Professor J Low
Pain Management Committee - Chairman: Professor J Yang
Guidelines Committee - Chairman:        Dr A Kwan
Resuscitation Committee - Chairman:    Dr M Moles

The President’s Message

History has been made. The whole world has witnessed the impressive and successful handover of sovereignty in Hong Kong on 1st July 1997.  A new era has come. It remains for Hong Kong over the next 50 years to demonstrate to the rest of the world that the concept of "one  country two systems" will work and that Hong Kong will continue to prosper.  This notion of "one country two systems" affects us all. College have to see to it that our system of postgraduate training is mature, robust and could stand up to meet all future challenges. This will form part of our long term goal. 

In the last newsletter, I have briefly touched upon the need for employing a full / part time secretarial staff for handling the day to day College matters.  Council has gone into some depth in discussing this issue. The need for a full time staff is obvious especially when the College is going to have a permanent office at the new Academy   Building. The College has grown in size and in range of  activities to warrant someone full time needs to oversee the smooth running of the College.  The present system of ad hoc secretarial support will no longer be sufficient.  However, the financial status of our College probably cannot sustain a full time staff in the long run. It is expected that the recurrent costs incurred would be around 200K annually which will eat up all the subscriptions College can collect per year with no money left for other activities. College would not want to see a huge deficit balance every year.  Ways of optimising overall expenditure and increasing revenue generation have to be explored. The options of increasing annual subscription to meet the expenses, which will mean another 100% increase, running more courses or skill workshops, fund raising activities or soliciting support from the industry have been suggested. We also have to bear at the back of our mind that in case College has decided to purchase an anaesthesia simulator, several millions dollars more  will have to be raised.  Dr. T.Y. Chan has been appointed by the Council to explore these possibilities and I would welcome suggestions from Fellows or Members.

The College-Society Combined Annual Scientific Meeting will again be held in the first weekend of December this year. The venue has been changed to Hong Kong Hotel. The scientific programme has incorporated many of the suggestions made last year and there will be a few workshops as well. Our overseas speakers include Prof. G.D. Phillips and Dr. Peter Kam. The Congregation will be held on the evening of the first day of ASM and Prof. Garry Phillips will receive his Honorary Fellowship as well. The Organising Committee chaired by Dr. Steven Wong of QEH has solicited much support from industry in terms of sponsorship. Apart from the scientific and CME value , the ASM also serves the function of revenue generation if held successfully. I would like to appeal to all of you to support this important and meaningful event of the College.

During the last ASM, an inaugural workshop on Advanced Airway Management was held resulting in overwhelming support for the College to organise more workshops of this kind in future. With the dedicated efforts of Dr. Mike Moles and Dr. K.M. Ho, the College has successfully transformed the half-day workshop into a full fledged one-day workshop. Apart from the teaching, there was also an assessment at the end.  16 participants enrolled in the workshop held on 24th August and the feedback was encouraging. The convenors will conduct an evaluation soon to smoothen out all possible hiccups to make way for the next two workshops in December. In future, these workshops could be opened to non-anaesthesiologists wishing to gain experience in airway management. 

Council has approved the 21 applications for Diploma in Pain Management on ad eundem basis.  It is expected that the Pain Management Training Programme will commence when the accreditation exercise for training centres is completed. The potential of developing Pain Management into a subspecialty within anaesthesiology, meaning a separate Pain Fellowship programme, has been discussed and considered as not being the right time as yet. Council will review the situation in a few years’ time. 

Dr. C.T. Hung
1st September 1997.

Academy News

In the next two months or so, Academy will conduct a postal ballot to repeal Bylaw 16 together with a consequential amendment to Bylaw 2 governing criteria for admission of Academy Fellows. Bylaw 16 was intended only to cater for admissions during the inception of the Academy to allow for admission of the "grandfathers", namely those who have not gone through the training and examinations of local Colleges. Now that every College is running their own system of training and examinations, Academy felt it is time to repeal Bylaw 16 so that all admissions into the Academy must have a Hong Kong element of training or examination. Academy is appealing to all Fellows to support the postal ballot in repealing Bylaw 16. 

There are a few other items about the Academy that will be of interest to Fellows and Members. Hong Kong Medical Council will soon be inviting for applications for Specialist Registration. Academy will be assisting Medical Council to evaluate the training and qualifications of applicants. The assessment for current Academy Fellows will be fairly straight forward.   Academy is also inviting nominations for Elected Council Members for 1997-1999. The closing date will be 13th September 1997. The results of the election will be announced at the  Annual General Meeting held on  7th November 1997. The Sir David Todd Oration with Prof. Y.W. Kan invited as the inaugural orator will be held on the same evening of the AGM, with a Dinner to follow at Shatin Jockey Club.   Please show your support of the Academy by attending these functions. 

The organisation of the 1998 Academy of Medicine First International Conference is now under way. The scientific programme has more or less been finalised and you will receive notices of such in due course. 

Dr. C.T. Hung
1st September 1997.


Reports from Boards / Committees


T1  Protocol for the checking of an anaesthetic machine before use
T2  Recommended minimum facilities for safe anaesthetic practice in operating suites
T3  Recommended minimum facilities for safe anaesthetic practice in organ imaging units
T4  Recommended minimum facilities for safe anaesthetic practice in delivery suites
T5  Recommended minimum facilities for safe anaesthetic practice for electro-convulsive therapy (ECT)
T6  Minimum requirements for an anaesthetic record
T7  Minimum assistance required for the safe conduct of anaesthesia

P1  Guidelines on monitoring in anaesthesia
P2  Guidelines for safety in sedation for diagnostic and minor surgical procedures
P3  Guidelines for postanaesthetic recovery care
P4  Guidelines for the conduct of epidural analgesia for parturients
P5  Guidelines on anaesthesia for day surgery
P6  Privileges in anaesthesia
P7  Guidelines on quality assurance
P8  Duties of an anaesthesiologist in hospital with approved training post
P9  Guidelines for transport of the critically ill
P10  Patient’s right and responsibilities in anaesthesia
P11  Guidelines on the safe practice of acute pain management
P12  The handover responsibility during an anaesthetic
P13  Guidelines on the preanaesthetic consultation
P14  Guidelines on responsibilities of anaesthesiologists in postoperative period
P15  Guidelines on infection control in anaesthesia
P16  Monitored care by an anaesthesiologist
P17 Guidelines on providing information about anaesthesia

These guidelines have been prepared with regard to general circumstances, and it is the responsibility of the practitioner to pay particular attention to the circumstances and applicability of these guidelines to each use.

As the guidelines are reviewed from time to time, it is the responsibility of the practitioner to ensure that he or she uses the current version. Guidelines have been prepared having regard to the information then available and the practitioner should consider any information, research or material which may have become available subsequently.

While the college endeavours to ensure that the guidelines are correct at the time of their preparation, no responsibility is taken for matters arising from the changed circumstances, information or material which may become available subsequently.

Copies of the guidelines are available from  Dr Anne Kwan,, Chairman of the Guidelines Committee

Board of Accreditation (Chairman: Dr C Yuan)

Work Plan for rest of 1997:
-Review anaesthetic services and new Intensive Care Unit at Kwong Wah Hospital
-Complete inspections of Duchess of Kent Hospital and Tung Wah Hospital
-Review requests of Queen Elizabeth Hospital and United Christian Hospital to increase their training posts
-Review accreditation of Ruttonjee / Tang Siu Kin / Tung Wah Hospitals
-Review accreditation of Yan Chai Hospital and Tuen Mun Hospital


Board of Censors (Chairman: Dr SL Tsui)

Professor TE Oh and Dr CS Chan wrote to resign from the Board of Censors after serving the Board since the establishment of the College. The Council would like to thank them for their great contribution in setting up and development of the Board of Censors. Dr PT Chui and Dr John Liu have been appointed as members of the Board with effect from 8 July 97.


Education Committee (Chairman: Dr TW Lee)

CME - Fellows who were admitted before 1st July, 1996 are required to submit a record of their first year of CME activities. A reminder note has been circulated.
I would also like to remind Fellows who were admitted between 1st July, 1996 and 31st December, 1996 that their first year of CME activities will be completed by the end of this year. Please do remember to send in your forms.
Revision of Vocational Training Guide - the vocational training guide has been revised by the Education Committee. These revision were approved by the Council. The revised training guide will be circulated to the Supervisors of Training after approval by the Academy Education Committee.

New Hospital Appointments

Chief of Service
Dr CK Chan -KWH                         
Dr Joyce Wong - QMH

Dr SM Wong - HKEH                      
Dr YY Lee - KWH
Dr John Liu -KWH

Senior Medical Officer
Dr Henry Au - PYNEH                     
Dr YV Gayathri - TMH
Dr Jean-Claude Law Min - QMH     
Dr Dick Lee - AHNH

Associate Professor
Dr Gunnar Nordberg  - PPDH



Council approved admission of the following as Members of the College:
Dr TAN, Soo See                       
Dr YEUNG, Ying Jenny
Dr LAW, Chun Lung                  
Dr  LI, Yin Fai
Dr LO, Siu Chung Yvonne        
Dr POON, She Wang
Dr KWOK, On Ki                      
Dr LEE, Wing Kong

Council approved admission of the following as Fellows of the College by examination:
Dr WONG, Mun Ling Cynthia
Dr LEUNG, Kit Hung Anne
Dr CHENG, Ai Yu Claudia

Council approved admission of the following as Fellows ad eundum:
Prof CHUNG, Chi Wai David     
Dr SURESH, Dorairaj
Dr OOMMEN, Philomina             
Dr KUA, Seng Wee Jeffrey

Council approved admission of the following as Diploma in Pain Management ad eundem:
Dr CHAN, Shui Ning Rebecca
Dr CHAN, Tsz Yeung
Dr CHAN, Wing Sang
Dr CHEN, Poon Ping
Dr HUNG, Chi Tim
Dr KWAN, Siu King Anne
Dr KWOK, Che Ling
Dr LAM, Kwok Key
Dr LEE, Tsun Woon
Dr LUI, Cho Ze Joseph
Dr MENON, Bhaskar MR
Dr NG, Kwok Fu Jacobus
Dr O’REGAN, Andrea
Dr ONSIONG, Meng Keong
Dr SUN, Kai On
Dr SZE, Tak Suen
Dr TAY, Beng Aik
Dr TSUI, Siu Lun
Dr WONG, Ho Shan Steven
Prof YANG, Chuan Shih Joseph
Dr TONG, Wai Nung    

Examination Successes

Candidates who passed the recent Intermediate Examination
Dr CHAN, Ka Lai
Dr LAM, Wang Leuk
Dr LAW, Ngai Leung
Dr TAY, Teik Guan
Dr YICK, Fung Yi
Dr YU, Sui Cheung