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March 2018

HKCA New Curriculum and Vocational Training Guide

The College is delighted to announce that the competency based training curriculum and Vocational Training Guide (VTG) have been approved by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and will be implemented on 1st July 2018. Trainees who commence their anaesthesia training programme on 1st July 2018 will follow the new curriculum and training programme. The new curriculum and the VTG for trainees who commence their training on 1st July 2018 can be downloaded from the following links.
- HKCA Anaesthesia Training Curriculum (for trainees starting 1 July 2018)
- Vocational training guide for trainees starting on 1st July 2018
- Summary of the major changes in the new curriculum

Trainees who started their anaesthesia training before 1st July 2018 will remain in the old training programme that can be downloaded from the following link.
- Vocational training guide for trainees starting before 1st July 2018

The dedicated Curriculum and Exam Review Working Group members have spent many evenings discussing and working on the curriculum. We should all be grateful to these colleagues who have put such hard work to the College.




Collaboration with International Colleges

Since the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) has been signed on 31 August 2016, a few goals have been achieved such as Train-the-trainer Workshop organised in October 2017, having the invaluable feedback from RCoA on the new curriculum and the FRCA Final MCQ to be held in Hong Kong unprecedentedly in the upcoming HKCA final exam.
Having signed the MoU with Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) on 11 September 2017, the College has been closely working with the ANZCA on training, examinations and scientific meeting. Since the first Combined Scientific Meeting (CSM) held in 2001 and the second one held in 2011, the College is delighted to announce that the third CSM will be held in May 2022 in Hong Kong. In addition, dialogue is under way to discuss collaboration with the Faculty of Pain Medicine of ANZCA on pain medicine. Stay tuned.



Annual Subscription

Debit notes for the 2018 subscriptions have been sent to Fellows and Members. Please settle your subscription as soon as possible. The annual subscription would be waived for fellows and members aged over 65 or for those who have declared retirement (irrespective of age). The waiving of subscription will start in the following financial year after the fellow/member had attained aged 65 or over or after the retirement application received by the College secretariat. To declare retirement, a written declaration from the applicants confirming that they had retired from all remunerative practice/job/business in or outside Hong Kong. Should you have any questions about the subscription, please contact the College at subscription@hkca.edu.hk.




Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2018

The Annual Scientific Meeting 2018 (ASM 2018) will be held on 17-18 November 2018 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Please save the date and the details will be announced soon.




Regulations for observers attending HKCA council meetings

To increase the transparency in Council’s operation, Council decided that the council meetings would be opened to all fellows and members for attending the council meetings as observers. The followings are the regulations for observers attending the council meetings. The minutes of the meetings and meeting documents would not be sent to the observers due to the confidentiality. The followings are the regulations for observers attending the council meetings. The minutes of the meetings and meeting documents would not be sent to the observers due to the confidentiality.
1. Quota of 5 for both fellows and members in each council meeting. Places will be drawn if oversubscribed.
2. An additional place is reserved for Representative from Trainee Committee.
3. In attendance at council meeting is open for registration around 1.5 months before the scheduled council meeting.
4. To register, fellows and members are required to email the College and the deadline for registration is two weeks before the council meeting.
5. Fellows and members will be in attendance only, without any participation in the discussion. The Council reserves the right to take whatever action necessary if they have violated this rule.
6. Council reserves the right to discuss certain agenda item(s) without the presence of the observers if the matter(s) going to be discussed is (are) of confidential in nature and fellows and members cannot challenge the decision of the Council.
7. No CME/CPD points would be accredited.




Expert Witness

The College has been approached occasionally by Medical Council and legal firms for assistance in identifying Fellows who could be expert witness. Hence, the Council has decided to compile a List of Expert Witness. It will be made available to the enquirers upon formal request. Fellows who wish to enlist in the List, please send an email to Ms Kristy Cheung at kristy@hkca.edu.hk and state the area of special interest (if any). The role of the College is coordinator, the Fellows selected to assist in particular cases would be contacted directly by the parties concerned. The College will not be involved in any of those cases.





New administrative charge for underpaid mails

The College has received a number of notification cards for paying surcharge and collection of underpaid mails from the Hongkong Post. These underpaid mails are required to be collected at a designated post office. To avoid any mail delay, the College would like to remind the fellows and members that the mail items should bear sufficient postage by weight and should have the return address. At the same time, the Council has decided to impose an administrative charge of $100 for collecting the underpaid mails in order to cover the travel expenses, labour cost and the deficient postage amount.





NTEC Simulation and Training Centre

The NTEC Simulation and Training Centre courses scheduled for 2018 can be found here.



The certificates of the following fellows have not been collected yet. To collect your certificate, please go to the College's Office during office hour.

Chan, Shing Chau, Ng Nga Lai Alice, Lau Kai Chiu, Li Ho Yin Adrian, Wai Ka Ming



Yuen, Henry Jeffrey

Mak Ho Kwong Peter



Link to previous TUOHY