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December 2015 |
The 29th Congregation and HKCA Honorary Fellows
The HKCA’s 29th Congregation was held on 15 November 2015 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Associate Prof Roger Goucke and Dr Chi-tim Hung were awarded the Honorary Fellowship of the HKCA, in recognition of their remarkable achievement and significant contributions to the College. The citation for Associate Prof Roger Goucke and Dr Chi-tim Hung are as follows.
Please also visit Photo Gallery in Members’ Area of HKCA Website for more photos taken at the Congregation.
- Associate Prof Roger Goucke
- Dr Chi-tim Hung
The British Journal of Anaesthesia
The College signed an affiliation agreement with The British Journal of Anaesthesia (BJA) and Oxford University Press (OUP) on 14 November 2015 during the ASM Opening Ceremony. Fellows and members are able to access BJA online via HKCA Website Members Area starting from January 2016. Fellows can obtain CME/CPD points by doing the CPD exercises online. The details will be announced soon.
Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2015
The Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2015 was successfully held on 14-15 November 2015. On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to thank all of you for your participation. It is a great honour for us to co-ordinate this event. Feedback from the participants had been extremely positive with overwhelming confirmation of the value of the conference.
The theme for this year ASM is ‘One Step Forward’. We try to incorporate several new elements into our program. Apart from the SimBattle, Photo Contest is another highlight and we did receive a number of high quality anaesthesia-related photos. Once again congratulations to our winners: the champion is Dr Wong Siu Man from Hong Kong Eye Hospital, the first runner up is Dr Karen Lee from Queen Elizabeth Hospital and the second runner up is Dr Viki Yung from Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all our organizing committee members, speakers, facilitators and helper for all your hard work to make this conference a successful one. The professionalism and positive attitude displayed at every level made this year conference both meaningful and memorable. Thank you.
Dr Ka-ho IP
Chairperson, ASM 2015 Organizing Committee
Scientific Subcommittee:
Dr David CHONG |
Dr Karen LEE |
Dr Kathleen PUI |
Dr Eric CHOY |
Dr Rowena LEE |
Dr Cindy TSUI |
Dr Arthur CHUNG |
Dr Doris LEUNG |
Dr Oi Fung WONG |
Dr Gladys KWAN |
Dr Keith LEUNG |
Dr Tom YIP |
Dr Linda LAI |
Dr Loretta LEUNG |
Dr Viki YUNG |
Dr Bassanio LAW |
Dr May LEUNG |
Dr C. W. LEE |
Dr Louis MOK |
Nursing Symposium Subcommittee:
Health Industry Liaison Subcommittee:
Dr David CHONG |
Dr Keith LEUNG |
Dr Cindy TSUI |
Social Subcommittee:
Dr Eric CHOY
Dr Bassanio LAW
Honorary Advisors
Dr Simon CHAN |
Dr Timmy CHAN |
Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2015 - SimBattle
Simulation has been widely used in various industries, and healthcare is of no exception. The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists has been running various courses using simulation to practise the effective management of anaesthetic crisis and to help for team building and crisis resource management. Simulation training offers a safe environment for our anaesthetic trainees to better equip their skills in order to tackle difficult challenges in their daily practice.
This year, we have successfully introduced the ‘SimBattle” in the Annual Scientific Conference 2015 and received overwhelming positive feedback. What is “SimBattle” or “SimWar”? It is a simulation exercise that involving teams to demonstrate their communication, teamwork, clinical management, and problem solving skills. Upon completion of the simulated scenario, judges assess and discuss participants’ clinical actions and team dynamics. “SimWar” has become very popular and it has been staged at national meetings such as the annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH), the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM), and the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP).
Once again, congratulation to our winning teams! The judges’ and the audience prize for the Best Team go to the Kowloon Central Cluster. The Judges’ prize for the Best Doctor is Dr. Adeline Man from New Territories West Cluster and the Judges’ prize for the Best Nurse is Mr. Jonathan Chuen from New Territories East Cluster.
This event would not have been so successful without the support from the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists and the ASM 2015 Organizing Committee. My heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have come and support this event.
Dr Gladys Kwan
“SimBattle” Coordinator, ASM 2015
Formal Project Prize
The winner of the 2015 Formal Project Prize went to Dr. Dr. CHUNG Pui-Wah Febbie for her project entitled ‘A Comparison of Ability between Junior and Senior Anaesthetists in Relating Pulse Oximeter Tones to Oxygen Saturations – Does it Improve with Years of Clinical Experience?’
Final Exam - Changes of Critical Appraisal of Literature
Board of Examination has approved to move the Critical Appraisal of Literature from the OSCE to the written section of the Final Fellowship Examination. This arrangement will be effective from the second sitting of the Final Fellowship Examination to be held in August-October in 2016. Please click here for details.
Examination Dates
The College has announced the dates for the Intermediate and Final Fellowship Examinations in Anaesthesiology in 2016. Please click here for the details.
Mandatory Courses
Trainees who have joined the training programme after 30 June 2012 or 30 June 2015, please be reminded of the following clauses regarding the compulsory courses stated in the Vocational Training Guide.
1.24 All trainees joining the training programme after 30th June 2012 are required to complete the EASE (Exposure to Anaesthesia Safety and Emergency) course in their first year of anaesthesia training.
1.25 All trainees joining the training programme after 30th June 2015 are required to complete the Advanced and Difficult Airway Management Workshop for Anaesthetists (ADAM-A) course after their first year of anaesthesia training.
Exit Assessment Date
The College has announced the dates for Exit Assessment in 2016, please click here for details.
Trainees who wish to sit for the exit assessment, please submit the fellowship application form with the relevant documents to the Chief Censor at least 21 days in advance with the project approval before the exit assessment. The applicants will NOT be invited for presentation at the Exit Assessment if pre-requisites are not met 21 days before scheduled Exit Assessment and thus will not be eligible for the very immediate Exit Assessment. It is the responsibility of the trainees and SOTs to ensure that the trainees meet all the required pre-requisites or else they will not get invited to the Exit. Trainees should ensure, together with the co-operation of the SOT to solicit the appropriate case mix and caseloads well in advance as per training requirements. For details, please refer to the College's website.
WCA 2016
The 16th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists (WCA 2016) is the only truly global congress of its kind and will be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Hong Kong from 28 August to 2 September, 2016.
WCA 2016 will cover all areas of anaesthesiology and its sub-specialities with the focus on delivering the benchmark for best practice as well as incorporating a strong practical emphasis. The 17 track programme will showcase the latest research and findings in in anaesthesia, pain medicine, resuscitation and intensive care and includes workshops, PBLs and poster sessions as well as lectures from opinion leaders from around the world. The programme also features a Humanities track which includes music, art, ethics as well as history.
The Harold Griffith lecture is traditionally one of the programme’s key highlights and WCA 2016 is proud to present two prominent innovators in the field of medical care and global health, Atul Gawande, MD, MPH and Tore Laerdal, Exec Dir Laerdal Foundation. These renowned figures will be sharing their insights on the future of global health and engaging with the audience on this crucial topic during the session.
WCA 2016 is set to be a premium international networking event, with over 9000 delegates attending the previous congress. Be part of the latest discussions in the field of anaesthesiology by submitting your abstract or registering online.
Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 March 2016
Early Bird Registration Deadline: 25 February 2016
Advanced & Difficult Airway Management for Anaesthestists (ADAM-A) and NTEC Simulation and Training Centre
The target participants for ADAM-A are anaesthetists in training and also suitable for doctors (non-anaesthetists) who are interested in more advanced airway management such as FOB skills, lung isolation skills, paediatric airway skills. We use simulation to provide different airway crisis so that the doctors can practice how to manage in a patient-safe environment. Also, we have lots of hands-on practice on different airway techniques and equipment, under the guidance of airway specialists. Instead of lecture, we shall have case discussion sessions to discuss how we manage the airway in various challenging conditions. Please click here for details of the ADAM-A
Regarding the other courses organized at the NTEC Simulation and Training Centre, please click here for details.
History of Anaesthesia in Hong Kong, by Dr Amy Lam
A public lecture regarding the history of anaesthesiology will be organized by Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences (HKMMS) on 16 January 2016. It is the College’s honour to have Dr Amy Lam to talk about Development of Anaesthesiology in Hong Kong over the past 125 years. The details are listed below.
Date: Sat 16 January 2016
Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Venue: HKMMS, 2 Caine Lane, Hong Kong
CME Points: 1.5
If you are interested in knowing more about the past, please reserve your seat by sending an e-mail to HKMMS at info@hkmms.org.hk . For further enquiry, please contact Ms Dorothy Kwong at 2549 5123.
Annual Scientific Meeting, The Pain Association of Singapore (5-6 March 2016)
The Pain Association of Singapore (PAS) is going to organize Annual Scientific Meeting on 5 & 6 March 2016 with an interesting scientific programme that covers various aspects of pain management, in line with PAS' aim to disseminate knowledge and skills. Please click here for details.
The certificates of the following fellows have not been collected yet. To collect your certificate, please go to the College's Office during office hour.
Cheng Ho Yi; Li Ho Yin Adrian; Ng Nga Lai Alice
FHKCA (Pain Med):
Lam Cheung Kwan Brian; Li Luk Sing
Mak Ho Kwong Peter
Link to previous TUOHY