HKCA Council 2015 - 2017 In accordance with the HKCA bye-laws, an election to the College Council was conducted earlier and the results of the election were sent to HKCA fellows and members together with the AGM notice. The HKCA Council extended a very hearty vote of thanks to all retired Councillors, and in particular Dr CHOW Yu Fat, who has accomplished his presidency and Dr KOO Chi Hung, who has been the Honorary Treasurer for eight years.
The 26th Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Monday 3 Aug 2015 at the Academy Building. During the meeting, the report of the Council, the Honorary Treasurer’s report, the audited accounts, as well as the appointment of the auditors were endorsed.
Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2015, Jointly Organized by HKCA and SAHK
We are glad to inform you that Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2015 (ASM 2015), jointly organized by the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists and the Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong, will be held on 14 - 15 November 2015 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Dr Zoltan (Lefty) Lett (1916-2014)
Expert Witness The College has been approached occasionally by Medical Council and legal firms for assistance in identifying Fellows who could be expert witness. Hence, the Council has decided to compile a List of Expert Witness. It will be made available to the enquirers upon formal request. Fellows who wish to enlist in the List, please send an email to Ms Kristy Cheung at and state the area of special interest (if any) before 15 September 2015. The role of the College is coordinator, the Fellows selected to assist in particular cases would be contacted directly by the parties concerned. The College will not be involved in any of those cases.
Champion of Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament The College offers the congratulations to the basketball team of the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists who won the championship of the Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament on 5 July 2015 at University Gymnasium (University Sports Centre), The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Albert CHAN, Manson CHAN, Gerund CHEUNG, Victor CHEUNG, CHO Wing Keung, Jeffrey IP, Ernest LAM, LAW Man Shun, LEE Chun Wai, Adrian LEUNG, Rayfield LEUNG, Dennis WAN, Leo WAT, YIP Chi Pang The photos of the semi-final and final matches are now available on College’s website - Members’ Area.
Fundamentals of Pain Medicine (FOPM) Course 2015
Fundamentals of Pain Medicine (FOPM) course 2015, which offers a step-to-step approach to cover the skills and knowledge leading to the Fellowship in Pain Medicine, is now open for applications. The details of the course are listed below:
The 5th Cross Strait Four Regions Anaesthesia Quality Meeting To encourage fellows and members to attend the 5th Cross Straits Four Region Anaesthesia Safety Forum, HKCA Council has resolved in the recent council meeting that a sponsorship is offered to HKCA fellows and members who are interested to attend the Forum.
5th Cross Straits Four Region Anaesthesia Safety Forum Sponsorship Remarks
If you are interested to attend the Forum, please let us know by sending an email to by the deadline of 4pm 21 August 2015. .
3rd Singapore-Duke Conference 2015 (13-15 November 2015, Singapore) The Singapore Society of Anaesthesiologist and the College of Anaesthesiologists are going to organise the 3rd Singapore-Dukes Anaesthesia Conference, which will be held from 12-15th Nov 2015 at Suntec Convention Center. Please click here for details.
NTEC Simulation and Training Center The NTEC Simulation and Training Centre courses scheduled for 2015 can be found here.
Survey on Disaster Preparedness and Response in Hong Kong The Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) would like to invite the Fellows and Members to participate in a Frontline Responder survey. It aims to advance the their understanding of current preparedness and response mechanism, with a focus on training, coordination and communication within and amongst agencies from the perspective of front-line responders. This is an anonymous online survey comprised of 25 questions. The survey should take less than 15 mines to complete.
Certificates The certificates of the following fellows have not been collected yet. To collect your certificate, please go to the College's Office during office hour.