Revised CME/CPD Guideline for Cycle 2014-2016
The revised HKCA CME/CPD programme for cycle 2014-2016 has been published on College’s website. It can also be downloaded here. The changes are highlighted in the document and also summarized below for your easy reference. Changes to HKCA Examinations from 2013 Trainees should have received a notice on the changes to the HKCA Examination from 2013. The notice can also be downloaded here.
Outstanding In-Training Assessments (ITA) Referring to the Vocational Training Guide 1.22 "...All trainees should have completed ITA satisfactorily before being allowed to attempt the final fellowship examination or exit assessment. ...", the College would like to remind both SOTs and trainees that regular ITA should be completed and submitted to the College every SIX months or at the end of the hospital rotation if the rotation is less than six months.
Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2013, Jointly Organized by HKCA and SAHK The Annual Scientific Meeting 2013 (ASM 2013) will be held on 16-17 November 2013 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Please save the date and the details will be announced soon.
Dr HUNG Chi Tim, Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Dr Hung Chi Tim, the Immediate Past Vice-President (Education & Exams) of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and the Past President of the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists, was admitted as Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine on 14 December 2012. Congratulations to Dr Hung.
Formal Project Prize The winner of the 2012 Formal Project Prize went to Dr. TSUI Tsz Kin for his project entitled ‘Comparison of Forced-air warming and Resistive Carbon-fibre Warming System during Transurethral Prostatic Operations: A Randomized Controlled Trial.’
Briefing on New Final Exam OSCE Stations Following the introduction of two new subjects to the OSCE of the Final Fellowship Exam, a meeting for SOTs and trainees was organized on 2 February 2013 at Prince of Wales Hospital. The details of the new OSCE stations can be found here.
Revision Tutorial Courses Please note the schedule and the course fee of the Revision Tutorial Courses below. The registration method and the program will be announced in due course.
ICS Airway Management CME Meeting (12 March 2013) The Institute of Clinical Simulation is going to organize a Airway Management CME Meeting on 12 March 2013 at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. The details can be downloaded here.
Support and Management of the Brain Dead Patient and Donor Awareness (18-19 April 2013)
CT Scan Promotion The Evangel Hospital would like to offer discount to HKCA Fellows and Members for a coronary CT scan (with contrast).
Certificates The certificates of the fellows below have not been collected yet. To collect your certificate, please go to the College's Office during office hour.