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November 2011 |
Nomination for Competency Based Training (CBT) Subcommittee
Based on the HKAM Position Paper on Postgraduate Medication Education and the global trend of competence based training in anaesthesia vocational training, the Council of the HKCA has decided to form a Competency Based Training (CBT) Subcommittee under the Board of Education to explore the practical issues related to competence based training in anaesthesia in Hong Kong. This subcommittee is co-chaired by Dr CH Koo and Dr Simon Chan.
The objectives of the Competence Based Training (CBT) Subcommittee are to:
- Review the anaesthesia curriculum and anaesthesia vocational training
- Formulate the components of CBT
- Devise the assessment tools
- Promulgate CBT and assessment to trainers & trainees
- Implement CBT and assessment in stages
- Review the progress of CBT
Interested fellows please contact Dr CH Koo (kooch@ha.org.hk) or Dr Simon Chan (simonkcchan@cuhk.edu.hk) by email for details.
HKCA Formal Project
The Project Officers of the College would like to inform supervisors of training and the trainees that a reasonable amount of time is required during the process of reviewing a project submission. In general, it takes one month to review the formal project and additional time is further required if revisions are necessary. It is recommended that trainees should plan ahead especially for those who wish to sit for the upcoming exit assessment. For those trainees who wish to get ANZCA approval for the manuscript, please also submit the ANZCA Formal Project Completion Form and Supervisors Report (FPB)
Exit Assessment in 2012
The College has announced the dates for Exit Assessment in 2012 and they will be held on the following dates.
- 5 January 2012 (Thu)
- 5 April 2012 (Thu)
- 5 July 2012 (Thu)
- 4 October 2012 (Thu)
Trainees who wish to sit for the exit assessment, please submit the fellowship application form with the relevant documents to the Chief Censor at least 21 days in advance with the project approval before the exit assessment.
The applicants will NOT be invited for presentation at the Exit Assessment if pre-requisites are not met 21 days before scheduled Exit Assessment and thus will not be eligible for the very immediate Exit Assessment. It is the responsibility of the trainees and SOTs to ensure that the trainees meet all the required pre-requisites or else they will not get invited to the Exit. Trainees should ensure, together with the co-operation of the SOT to solicit the appropriate case mix and caseloads well in advance as per training requirements.
HKCA Examination Dates for 2012
The College has announced the dates for the Intermediate and Final Fellowship Examinations in Anaesthesiology in 2012. Please click here for the details.
Revised College Guidelines T1 - T5
The College has recently revised the following guidelines.
- T1 Protocol for the checking of an anaesthetic machine before use
- T2 Recommended minimum facilities for safe anaesthetic practice in operating suites
- T3 Recommended minimum facilities for safe anaesthetic practice in organ imaging units
- T4 Recommended minimum facilities for safe anaesthetic practice in delivery suites
- T5 Recommended minimum facilities for safe anaesthetic practice for electro-convulsive therapy (ECT)
Collaboration on Reciprocal Facilities between the Academy and Royal Society of Medicine
The Academy and RSM signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) since 2007 for reciprocal use of facilities by Fellows and members of the two organisations. Under this MOU, RSM will allow HKAM Fellows to use the accommodation facilities (Chandos House http://www.chandoshouse.co.uk/ only), restaurants, bars and lounges of the RSM when they travel to London . The services will be provided to HKAM Fellows on pay-on-use basis by the user. Fellows who wish to use the facilities of RSM can contact the Academy's Manager (External Affairs) on elsa@hkam.org.hk. The Academy will provide a letter of introduction for authentication of Fellowship status at reservation for facilities.
RSM would also like to extend its membership to the Academy Fellows. With support from the Academy, the RSM President Professor Parveen Kumar is now providing a special joining offer for the Academy Fellows. HKAM Fellows will not have to pay a joining fee (only the annual membership subscription). Fellows who are interested in being members of RSM please check out more details here and use code (HKAM11) or send your enquiry mentioning you are a Fellow of the HKAM to membership@rsm.ac.uk.
ICS Courses
For more courses available in ICS, Please click here for details or please contact ICS Manager at 2683-8307.
The certificates of the fellows below have not been collected yet. To collect your certificate, please go to the College's Office during office hour.
Chan Yau Wai; Cheung Yee Nin Vivian; Kwok Keen Man; Li Ho Yin Adrian; Ng Nga Lai Alice; Wong Kwong Sun
Chan Choi Hung; Gomersall Charles David; Kwok Keen Man, Yip Kim Ho
Chu Suk Yi Annie; Lee Yee Chi; Lee Yuk Ming Sunny; Lui Frances; Mak Ho Kwong Peter
Link to previous TUOHY