You are currently viewing Volume 30 Number 4

Volume 30 Number 4

ASM 2020 – Message from the Chairman of Organising Committee

I am pleased to report EBPOM-Asia and ASM 2020 were successfully held on 14th and 15th November 2020. Under the theme of “New Decade. New Milestones. Anaesthesia in 2020”, an extensive range of topics in Perioperative Medicine and Anaesthesia were examined and explored from Prehabilitation and CPET to Emergency Laparotomy and Cancer Surgery.

The 2-day virtual conferences attracted over 500 delegates, the symposia had recorded an average attendance of over 150 delegates, and the virtual exhibition hall had been visited by more than 300 delegates. Many of whom had expressed largely positive response to the online platform and the content of the program.

As the chairperson, I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to extend my gratitude to HKCA and SAHK for their unwavering support in hosting the conferences in virtual format, to the scientific committee for their pivotal conception of a collaboration with EBPOM, to the organising committee for their relentless effort in constructing the program under such challenging times, to our speakers and facilitators for their inspirational works, to our great cadre of sponsors for their generous support, and to our delegates for their enthusiasm.

I hope it was as rewarding and enjoyable an experience for you as it was for me.

Dr David Lam
Chairman of Organising Committee, ASM 2020


The first-ever hybrid Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Wednesday 16th September 2020. The nomination of Dr Meredith Craigie, Dr Rodney Mitchell and Dr Brendon Moore as the honorary fellows were approved by the fellows present unanimously. The President presented the report of the Council and the Honorary Treasurer presented the report of the auditor. The subscription fees for 2021 remain unchanged.

HKCA Congregation

The College is pleased that the congregation was able to be held in the midst of two outbreaks for the new fellows in 2019 and 2020. For more photos of the congregation, please visit Photo Gallery in Members’ Area of College’s website.

Formal Project Prize

The winner of the 2020 Formal Project Prize was Dr. Chin-chin Chan. The title of her project is ‘Single shot versus continuous saphenous nerve block for postoperative pain management after total knee replacement: a randomised, double-blind trial’. Congratulations to Dr Chan.

Final Fellowship Examinations

The College is thankful that the two cohorts of the final fellowship examinations were successfully held virtually on 6-8 November and 20-22 November 2020. Traditionally, a reception would be held to congratulate the successful candidates. In order to get used to the ‘new normal’, a virtual reception was held for each cohort. It has been a difficult year for the Board of Examinations to organise examinations in such difficult time. The College is grateful for the time and efforts from the examiners and coordinators, patience and understanding from the candidates, and hard work from the College’s staff. Last but not the least, the College appreciates the leadership and contributions of Prof Matthew Chan, the Chairman of the Board. Prof Chan is going to step down from his position on 31 December 2020 and Dr Benny Cheng will be his successor.

Principles for CMECPD Accreditation of Overseas Webinars

The College has received a number of enquiries regarding overseas webinar for CME accreditation. Most of these are of high quality with good education value. However, overseas organisers are unable to provide the information for verification of participants’ attendance. This is in contrary to the Academy’s requirements for all colleges to implement measures to ascertain participants’ attendance and the degree of participation. At the recent council meeting, it was resolved that the following regulations would be applicable to all overseas webinars (not face-to-face CME meetings) with immediate effect:
• CME points are awarded according to 30% of the total duration of the event;
• A maximum of 10 and a minimum of 1 passive CME point(s) per event;
• Fellows, who apply for CME points after attending overseas webinars, are to submit a self-declaration form to declare their online participation which is more than 50% of total duration of the event.

For enquiries, please email the College at

Self-declaration Form for Claim on CME points

Fellow’s Full Name:


Name of the Event:


Name of the Organiser:


Date of the Event:


Programme of the Event:
(you may attach a programme or provide an event website)


Certificate of attendance or email confirmation:
(you may attach a certificate of attendance or email confirmation)


I declare that

·       I have attended the above event, and

·       my online participation is of more than 50% of total duration. 


Trainee Committee

The Trainee Committee have achieved significant goals to enhance communication between trainees and the College, including the first Annual Trainee Survey 2020 and its report was published in the last TUOHY.

Currently, a new term of Trainee Committee was formed with trainee representatives from each hospital. Election of Chair and Vice Chair among the members were completed: Chairperson be Dr. Janice Kwok (PMH) and Vice-Chair be Dr. Daniel Yip (QEH).

The new committee will continue the projects on creation of a Trainee Committee website aiming to provide training resources, update on courses and conferences, interesting paper of the month to all trainees. The Committee would also continue the yearly Trainee Survey in 2021 to allow feedback on various issue from trainees to the College.

All trainees are welcome to approach the Trainee Committee. If trainees have any concerns or feedback, please send email to the Trainee Committee at, or directly approach the trainee representative in your respective hospital.

2020 FPM Combined Spring Meeting Webinar

The combined webinar was held on 5th November 2020 with FPM ANZCA. Dr Steven Wong shared his regional experiences on how the pandemic has affected pain medicine.