
CME/CPD Programme for Cycle 2023-2025

CME/CPD Programme for Cycle 2020-2022
Principles for CME/CPD Accreditation of Online Activities organised by Local Organisations
With effective from 1st August 2020, CME points would be awarded to fellows who attend online CME meetings provided that the duration of online attendance must be more than 50% of total duration of the event. This arrangement is subjected to be reviewed regularly and the College reserves the right for the final decision.
Principles for CME/CPD Accreditation of Online Activities organised by Overseas Organisations
The following regulations would be applicable to all overseas webinars (not face-to-face CME meetings) with immediate effect:
• CME points are awarded according to 30% of the total duration of the event;
• A maximum of 10 and a minimum of 1 passive CME point(s) per event;
• Fellows, who apply for CME points after attending overseas webinars, are to submit a self-declaration form to declare their online participation which is more than 50% of total duration of the event.nquiries, please email the College at cmecpd@hkca.edu.hk.
Self-declaration Form for Claim on CME points

Fellow’s Full Name:


Name of the Event:


Name of the Organiser:


Date of the Event:


Programme of the Event:
(you may attach a programme or provide an event website)


Certificate of attendance or email confirmation:
(you may attach a certificate of attendance or email confirmation)


I declare that

·       I have attended the above event, and

·       my online participation is of more than 50% of total duration. 

This calendar of CME activities is regularly updated and is open to public. You could add this calendar to your Google calendar by subscribing to this calendar.

Calendar ID:  8c2k92t9quon5tkt2dvchloahg@group.calendar.google.com

URL of the calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=8c2k92t9quon5tkt2dvchloahg%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Asia%2FHong_Kong

The above guidelines will be effective from 1st January,1998.ouncil approved the following CME guidelines for fellows residing overseasCouncil approved the following CME guidelines for fellows residing overseas.

Overseas fellows can fulfill CME requirements by either:

  1. joining the CME programme of an
    overseas College/ Organization accredited by our College. The CME points
    are accredited with an equivalent fraction of CME points to the Hong
    Kong College. For instance, if an overseas College requires a minimum of
    500 points a year and a fellow has accumulated 100 points under that
    system, then one fifth of the HKCA annual CME points, i.e. six points,
    will be awarded. Or
  2. participating in any College approved overseas Postgraduate Meetings, or self-study programme.

The above guidelines will be effective from 1st January,1998. 

Enquiry: Email to CME/CPD Officer


Scientific Meetings organsied by reputatable organizations overseas which have a good track record of organising quality scientific meetings are pre-approved. The current list of overseas pre-approved meetings includes:

  1. American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting (ASA)
  2. American Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting
  3. American Society of Regional Anesthesia Annual Meeting (ASRA)
  4. ASEAN Congress in Anaesthesiology
  5. Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Annual Scientific Meeting (AAGBI)
  6. Australasian Symposium on Ultrasound and Regional Anaesthesia (ASA ASURA)
  7. Australian & New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Annual Scientific Meeting (ANAZCA ASM)
  8. Australian & New Zealand Intensive Care Society Annual Scientific Meeting (ANZICS)
  9. Australian Pain Society Scientific Meeting (APS ASM)
  10. Australian Society of Anaesthetists National Scientific Congress (ASA NSC)
  11. Canadian Anaesthetists’ Society Annual Meeting (CAS Annual Meeting)
  12. European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Annual Congress (ESICM)
  13. Euopean Society for Paediatric Anaesthesiology Annual Congress (ESPA Congress)
  14. European Society of Anaesthesiologists Annual Congress (Euroanaesthesia)
  15. European Society of Regional Anaesthesia Annual Congress (Annual ESRA Congress)
  16. International Anesthesia Research Society Scientific Annual Meeting (IARS)
  17. New York Post-graduate Assembly in Anesthesiology
  18. Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association Annual Scientific Meeting (UK)
  19. Society of Ambulatory Anesthesia Annual Meeting (SAMBA)
  20. Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting & Workshops
  21. Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual Meeting (SCCM)
  22. Society of Neuroscience in Ansethesiology and Critical Care Annual Meeting (SNACC)
  23. Society for Pediatric Anesthesia Annual Meeting (SPA)
  24. Society of Obstetric anesthesia and Perinatology Annual Meeting (SOAP)
  25. South African Society of Anaesthesiologists Annual Meeting (SASA)
  26. World Congress of Anaesthesiologists (WCA)
  27. World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine Congress (WFSICCM)
  28. World Congress of Paediatric Intensive and Critical Care (PICC)
  29. World Congress on Pain (IASP)
  30. Royal College of Anaesthetists (Anaesthesia)
  31. Asia Pacific Intensive Care Symposium (APICS)

The formal satellite meetings accompanying in the different World Congresses listed above will be pre-approved as well.

Fellows should submit their attendance certificate or any proof of attendance to cmecpd@hkca.edu.hk to obtain CME points.


All publications indexed by Index Medicus or included in Medicine will be accepted as pre-approved. All other publications must receive approval from the CME sub-committee before scientific papers published in them are accepted for CME accreditation.

Examples of pre-approved indexed journals include

Anaesthesia/Intensive Care/Pain Medicine:

  1. Acta Anaesth. Scand.
  2. Anaesth. Intens. Care
  3. Anaesthesia
  4. Anaesthetist
  5. Anast. Intesivmed
  6. Anesth. Analg.
  7. Anesthesiology
  8. Ann. Fr. Anesth.
  9. Brit. J. Anaesth.
  10. Can. J. Anaesth.
  11. Critical Care Medicine
  12. Eur. J. Anaesth
  13. Int. Anesthesiol. Clin.
  14. Pain
  15. J American Pain Society
  16. Neurosurg. Anesth.
  17. J of Pain and Symptom Management
  18. Region Anesth Pain Med.


  1. British Medical Journal
  2. Hong Kong Medical Journal
  3. JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association
  4. Lancet
  5. New England Journal of Medicine 

List of Approved Self-study Programmes as at 1 July 1996 and their addresses

  1. Home Evaluation Learning Programme (HELP) produced by the Continuing Education Committee of Anaesthetists of New Zealand (CECANZ)
    CME points 3 per completed issue (booklet)
    Room 81-82, Islington Building, Auckland Hospital
    PO Box 99-740, Auckland, New Zealand
  2. Audio-Digest, produced by the Audio-Digest Foundation, California, USA.
    CME points 2 per completed issue 
    Audio-Digest Federation
    1577 E. Chevy Chase Drive, Glendale
    California 91206, USA
  3. Current Reviews in Clinical Anesthesia produced by Current Reviews, Florida, USA.
    CME points 2 per completed issue.
    Current Reviews

    Frank Moya Continuing Education Programs, LLC
    1828 SE First Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 USA
    Phone: (954) 763-8003 Fax: (954) 762-9111
    Email: info@currentreviews.com