Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Special Interest Groups (SIG) may be formed when fellows deem them necessary and viable. The following are the terms of reference.
Terms of Reference

Application to create a SIG is temporarily suspended until further notice. If you would like any information, please send an email to SIG@hkca.edu.hk

Step 1 – Submit your application
SIG membership is open to fellows and members of the HKCA. Non-HKCA fellows/members could join a SIG by invitation.
Every SIG is managed by a Chair or a contact person. To apply to be a SIG member you will need to fill out an application form. You are very welcome to apply to be a member of more than one SIG, but you will need to use the respective link for each application.
By completing this form, you are agreeing to the Special Interest Group and the HKCA retaining your personal data for the purposes of the SIG. Details of the use of members’ data can be found in our privacy policy.

Step 2 – wait for the SIG Chair or contact person to contact you
The Chair or the contact person will get in touch directly with you and let you know the details of the SIG.

If you have any problems completing this form or any other general queries about our SIGs, please contact SIG@hkca.edu.hk.

Purpose of the SIG:
– To brings together anaesthesiologists with a passion for learning, teaching, and practising ways to reduce the environmental footprint of anaesthesia and in the operating rooms.

Nature of the common feature or interest:
– Facilitating education on sustainability, foster collaboration across hospitals, encourages sharing of ideas for projects and publications, and keeping anaesthesiologists motivated to make their hospitals more eco-friendly

Contact person: Dr Amy Kong
If you wish to join the SIG, please complete the application form.

Purpose of the SIG:
– To promote education and knowledge exchange relating to the Medicolegal aspects of anaesthesia, critical care and pain medicine.
– To promote mental health and education on the stress management aspects of handling medicolegal affairs for Fellows/Members.
– To provide networking opportunities amongst medicolegal experts and doctors.

Nature of the common feature or interest:
– Having a shared passion for studying and analysing the medicolegal aspects of anaesthesia, critical care or pain medicine

Contact person: Dr Vivian Lau
If you wish to join the SIG, please complete the application form.

Purpose of the SIG:
– To foster engagement and activities that promote subspecialty education in perioperative neuroscience, 
neuroanaesthesia, neuromonitoring and neurocritical care.

Target community:
– HKCA fellows / provisional fellows, and members of the community who have completed anaesthesia or critical care specialty training in areas outside of Hong Kong.

Nature of the common feature or interest:
Clinical interest in neuroanaesthesia, neuromonitoring, and perioperative neuroscience.

Contact person: Dr Clara Poon / Dr Anna Poon
If you wish to join the SIG, please complete the application form.

Purpose of the SIG:
– To promote the best practice of obstetric anaesthetic practice in the care of mother and baby.

Nature of the common feature or interest:
– Sharing guidance on best practice of obstetric anaesthesia
– Discussing how the obstetric anaesthetic care can be improved locally
– Developing educational material and learning opportunities to fellows and members
– Providing advice to Board of Education on relevant matters
– Creating and having reviews on documents at the request of the Board of Education 

Contact person: Dr Andy Ng
If you wish to join the SIG, please complete the application form.

Purpose of the SIG:
– To promote education, exchange of ideas and interaction between anaesthetists and other parties who share an interest in regional anaesthesia.

Nature of the common feature or interest:
– Regional Anaesthesia

Contact person: Dr Vivian Cheung
If you wish to join the SIG, please complete the application form.